About Us

Every one has a right to basic health care. More than a third of the worlds population have no access to quality health facilities . We partner with local hospitals who provide quality and affordable health services .

Your Helping Hand is for

We praise the Lord for giving us an opportunity to gather together as a group to support the needy Hospitals. Nov 16th 2016 marked the beginning of “Helping Hands for Hospitals” as we met in Bethany Medical Centre, Anaikatty, Coimbatore, T.N. India. The organization was inaugurated by Dr. Ravi korulla the former principal of C.M.C Vellore, India. The two day conference at Bethany Medical Centre Anaikatty, Coimbatore, India was an eye opening experience and we all felt the need to go forward in producing active results by encouraging teams of medical professionals to go and help as and when needed…Dr. Selvyn D. Ebenezer, the physician evangelist gave the keynote message emphasizing the role of giving gospel through medical mission and really struck us with the practical methods of gospel teaching through mission hospitals. Rev. Dr. Sam Arthur the secretary of EMFI gave a specific call to follow the Lord in all sincerity and highlighted the need of a real dedication.. Helping Hands for Hospital was officially formed and a committee was assigned to coordinate further activities with Dr. Jaison T Mathai as chairman. Committee members: Dr. K. Muralidar (V.President), Dr. Sam Siddharth (V President), Dr. Sam Abraham (Jt. Sec), Mr. Koshy George (Treasurer) Dr. Anbu Suresh(Jt. Sec) and Dr. Ravi Korulla, Dr. John Oommen, Dr. George Philip, Dr. Latha Paul Dr. Manoj Jacob and Dr. Benjamin George (Exec. Sec ) were elected unanimously.

As a follow up to the meeting in India we invited friends in USA to join the team of Helping Hands for hospitals. April 11th 2017 a conference call meeting was arranged. An executive committee was organized with Dr. Abraham Thomas as president and Mr. Prashanth Koshy, Mr. Anil Thomas , Mr. Koshy George, Mr. Robyn Koshy and Dr. Benjamin George(exec Sec)as members. The executive committee approved the scope and relevance of the society. It was unanimously approved to register the society under the banner “Helping Hands for Hospitals International Inc.” Dr. Benjamin was authorized to initiate a bank account in the name of the society. It was decided to contact other friends to actively participate in supporting the move and arrange an annual meeting in a suitable place and invite Dr. K. Muralidar President, Tribal Mission India for the inaugural meeting in USA.

On 04/17/2017 “Helping Hands for Hospitals International Inc.” was registered in NJ as a Non-profit Corporation (ID 0450160186) with Mr. Anil Thomas, Dr. Abraham Thomas, Dr. Vinci Jones, Dr. Benjamin George, Mr. Prashanth Koshy & Dr. Robin Koshy as members of the executive committee in USA. On 03/06/2020 IRS exempted our society from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(3) with EIN: 82-1239605 and DLN : 26053443001560.

May 2017 we attended the medical work in Christian Medical Centre, Purnia, Bihar and Bethany Medical Centre, Anaikatty, Coimbatore. We decided to cooperate with the very needy medical work in the remote part of India. Dr. Alex Philip, the director of the Medical Centre in Bihar is doing a very commendable work and he needs a lot of support as he is expanding the hospital work there.

June 10th 2017 activity of the society in New York was inaugurated by Dr. K. Muralidar, President, Tribal mission India. Several meetings in different churches were organized and Dr. Muralidar gave his testimony and conducted revival meetings. Dr. Vinci Jones, Mrs. Chinnu Jones and children visited Bethany Medical Center; Anaikatty Coimbatore witnessed and supported the work there. Joshua and Rachel Jones were in the mission team and they were instrumental in raising awareness of the Tribal mission work, raised funds and spread the news about HHH in the meeting held in Long Island on June 10th 2017.

Mission trip to Bethany Medical Center, Anaikatty
by Dr. Vinci Jones and Family

Jan 20th 2018 we had a follow up meeting in Christian Fellowship Hospital, Oddanchatram, TN. Dr. Sam Arthur, Dr. K. Muralidar, Dr. George Philip, Dr. Selvyn D. Ebenezer, Dr. Fred Oommen and Dr. T. M. Jaison gave leadership in the gathering and decided to expand the activities of HHH. Committee in India decided to engage a permanent staff worker to assist in the office work and managing the web site developments and Benjamin George was authorized to find a suitable person to function as an administrator. Benjamin represented “HHH” and worked in Christian Fellowship Hospital, Oddanchatram, TN to help the anesthesia department as Dr. Latha Paul was away in her missions in Kashmir and Africa.

Aug 21-26 HHH was represented at the ICMDA World Congress 2018 at Leonia Holistic Destination, Hyderabad, India. The global gathering of about 2500 medical professionals from all over the world was encouraging and we praise the Lord for the enthusiasm of several Christian medical groups in several countries .Er.Joseph Puthooran an IT specialist was introduced by Dr. Jaison and an agreement was reached to help in setting up the web site for the Helping Hands for Hospitals.

Feb 16 th 2019 Ms Feba Hanna Philip and she was appointed as the administrator effective from Feb 16th 2019. It was our privilege to be part of Dr. Murali’s work in Anaikatty during the month of Feb 2019.Participated in the medical mission in Amman, Jordan among the refugees from Syria and Iraq. It was a heart breaking experience in Amman looking at the suffering of the refugees and I pray all of them will be rehabilitated ASAP.

2019 Executive committee met on June15th 2019 at 299 Green Street, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 Dr. Abraham Thomas, Mr. Prashanth Koshy, Mr. Anil Thomas, Dr. Miriam Thomas Dr. Benjamin George and Mr. Koshy George present and Dr. Robyn Koshy joined over the phone from San Jose, CA. and Mr. Mohan Daniel was present as an invited guest. Meeting was initiated with prayer by Dr. Abraham Thomas and Dr. Thomas welcomed all members.

Secretary presented the details of the work so far. And plans were presented for the annual meeting on July 13th 2019 and were accepted and authorized Dr. Benjamin to invite appropriate leaders and organize the meeting. Meeting was concluded with prayers by Mr. Koshy George

July 11th 2019 conference call of the executive was arranged and confirmed the final plans for the meeting on July 13th 2019 to be held in Edison, NJ

2019 annual meeting of HHH was held on July 13th 2019 at E Hotel, 1173 King George Post Road, Edison, NJ

Meet Our Doctor : Dr. Benjamin George, M.D.

Anesthesiologist and Pain Specialist | Advocate for Healthcare in Marginalized Communities

Dr. Benjamin George is a highly respected Anesthesiologist and Pain Specialist, currently affiliated with SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. With an illustrious career spanning 49 years, Dr. George has dedicated his life to serving the healthcare needs of underserved populations, particularly in third-world countries.

Educational Background and Early Career:

Every one has a right to basic health care. More than a third of the worlds population have no access to quality health facilities . We partner with local hospitals who provide quality and affordable health services .

Nearly Five Decades of Service:

Over the course of his 49-year medical career, Dr. George has made an indelible impact on countless lives. His extensive experience has been vital in various healthcare settings, from India to the United States. Even after moving to the USA in 1999 to specialize in Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Dr. George remained deeply connected to his roots and committed to global health initiatives.

Commitment to Global Health and Humanitarian Efforts:

Dr. George’s dedication to improving healthcare access in marginalized communities led him to be actively involved in organizing and conducting medical camps in remote parts of India and Nepal. These camps have provided essential medical care to those who would otherwise have little to no access to such services.

In 2016, recognizing the urgent need to support struggling healthcare institutions, Dr. George co-founded “Helping Hands for Hospitals” (HHH), a 501(c)(3) organization registered in the USA. As the General Secretary of HHH, he plays a crucial role in revitalizing underperforming hospitals, particularly those serving marginalized populations. His leadership and vision continue to drive significant improvements in healthcare delivery in these regions.

Contact Information:

  • Email: bgeorge789@gmail.com | hhhsecretary1@gmail.com
  • Phone: +1 917 826 5983
  • Office Address: 299 Green Street, Old Bridge, NJ 08857
  • Website: www.helpinghospitals.org

Dr. Benjamin George’s unwavering commitment to serving the underserved, through nearly five decades of medical practice and his extensive humanitarian efforts, continues to inspire and positively impact countless lives. He is a true advocate for healthcare equity and a beacon of hope for marginalized communities.

Annual Meeting

Theme : Our Role In Missions


Rev.Terry Smith, the Life Christian Church,West Orange, NJ Rev.Dr.Zaki.L.Zaki United Methodist Church, Chicago, IL.

Rev. Dr.Nehamiah Thompson, NAAIC, NJ Dr. Sam George, Lausanne Movement, Vermon Hills, IL.

Dr. Alex Thomas, APDM, Bethlehem, PA. Rev. Raul Nassar, Calvary Community Church, Keansburg, NJ

Rt. Rev. John C Itty, Long Island, NY.

This was a well-attended meeting and several attendees pledged to support the work and we thank all those who helped by generous financial gift.

Aug 2019 Dr. Sam Abraham, CF Hospital, Ambilikkai and our Administrator Ms. Feba Philip represented HHH in Christian Medical Fellowship p meeting in Thiruvalla, Kerala. August 2019 C.S.I Synod invited HHH to study the problems with the ailing CSI Mission hospital and Mr. Koshy George and Ms. Feba Philip represented us. C.S.I Synod invited HHH for a second round of discussions in Dec 2019.

September 2019. A team of Tribal Mission supporters in USA contacted us and wanted to work with us in helping the needs of Bethany Medical center Anaikatty. Ms. Monisha Robert, Dr. Densingh Bright and the other members of the tribal mission support team decided to involve in the expansion and maintenance of the work in Anaikatty, Coimbatore. It was decided to have a weekly prayer meeting every Thursday 9:00 PM as a conference call meeting to support the effort.

It was recognized that Tribal mission work in Anaikatty needs a major infrastructure development and financial support is needed for upgrading the facilities in the hospital. Tribal mission support team in consultation with HHH decided to have special gatherings every second Saturday to increase awareness about the missions and seek support for the HHH and Tribal mission.

Nov/ Dec 2019 we travelled to Purina & Madhepura in Bihar, Bethany Medical Centre, Anaikatty, Coimbatore, and Christian Fellowship Hospital, Ambilikkai, TN. Dr. John Oommen, Dr. Jaison T Mathai , Dr. Benjamin George and Ms Feba Philip participated in the mission trip in Nov 2019.

Dec 2019 CSI Synod met with the medical superintendents and the medical board in Synod office in Chennai, TN, India and HHH was represented by Benjamin and Dr. Yuhannan John from Bangalore. We were able to assess the multiple problems affecting the management of those hospitals and constructive suggestions were made to improve the conditions. C.S.I Synod wants to work with us in future to improve the conditions of the ailing hospitals.

Consultations with Dr. Mathew George based in Chennai, TN, India is in progress regarding working together in the” kingdom missions” organized to nurture and empower medical and paramedical personnel

We are conducting weekly prayer session to lift the needs of helping hands for hospital and Tribal mission’s needs.

Monthly meetings on every second Saturday evening were started in different homes and because of the current health issues meetings are conducted on conference call and lately on Zoom.

Tribal mission support team decided to start a fund raising program and HHH supported the initiative.

All the contributions are deposited in the HHH bank account in TD Bank and amount specified for Tribal mission is being transferred to Tribal welfare Trust account in India.

HHH is continuing to help the needs of the patients who need long term care and support. We are supporting the educational needs of deserving financially backward candidates. Collaborating with activities of New Theological College, Dehradun, India we are joining with the training of young missionaries for work in North India. Babu Joseph paraplegic for the last 10 years supported by us.

Mr. Sabu Augustine Thadathil. Jellippara, Kerala living at Bethany Medical Centre, Anaikatty Date of birth 7/ 3/1970/ Date of accident 1/ 11/1997. HHH support his care in Bethany Medical centre.

Asha Kiran Hospital board in Odisha , India and many other friends of HHH felt the increasing strain on the medical mission especially in India. Lack of proper leadership among health professionals and commitment is a serious issue. It is proposed to organize a leadership training center based in Asha Kiran Hospital, Odisha and CF Hospital, Oddanchatram, TN. Consultations are going on to set up the “Centre for Leadership and Change” and HHH will be able to join and support in the networking and training programs.

Mission Hospitals In India
HHH Mission Leaders Meet 2023
From HHH Mission Leaders Meet 2023
Thousands of people gathered for free medical camp at Sundarbans